Giant Gulliver

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
8 Responses
  1. Deadman Inc Says:

    Rains are good to few and bad to few, to this tree it was obviously bad :(

  2. Praveen Says:

    too bad that these things are happening too often these days..

    BTW, a small suggestion ..try to control the exposure settings while taking snaps...It will make these snaps luk better...some of the pics r too bright...

  3. SHWETHA Says:

    Actually i do it explicitly using photo editor.

  4. rainboy Says:

    nice click girl...

    i wish i had time to click around.

  5. Anonymous Says:

    nice capture!

  6. SHWETHA Says:

    my pleasure... thanks

  7. SHWETHA Says:

    my pleasure... thanks